本文作者為國藝娛樂文化集團主席冼國林 關於香港教育專業人員協會, 簡稱教協。它之所以能夠形成今天的龐大勢力,教育局自然責無旁貸。回歸初期,當大家都未清楚有外國勢力介入仍屬情有可原,但在2019年黑暴事件之後...
2021-08-02 14:30:00
精選文章 - 冼國林【英語文章】Who is Washington trying to scare with its Hong Kong 'advisory'
The author is Timothy Kwai, he is a member of the China Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies. The United States issued an “advisory” to US businesses operating in Hong Kong on July 16. The Hong...
2021-08-02 13:29:04
精選文章 - Timothy Kwai