【拳腳交加】疑功課問題起爭執 港大SPACE學生毆傷同學被捕
2021-11-25 13:39:27
【拳腳交加】疑功課問題起爭執 港大SPACE學生毆傷同學被捕
兩名就讀香港大學專業進修學院(HKU SPACE)護理系的男學生,昨午(24日)2時15分於九龍灣分校課室內疑因功課問題口角,其中19歲姓張男生被對方推撞及起腳踢傷,18歲姓區男生涉打人後逃去無蹤。警方接報到場,張男臉...
2021-11-25 13:39:27
Be patient with HKU council over choice of pro-vice-chancellor
Tony Kwok Man-wai/former Deputy Commissioner and Head of Operations of the ICAC ("HKU alumni to meet urgently over manager post", July 26), is unusual, so it was right to raise concerns. However, we s...
2015-08-01 05:30:00
Shame On Who?
Heather Li/just an ordinary Hongkonger What happened at 9:25pm, 28 July 2015: dozens of students stormed the conference room at University of Hong Kong (HKU) where a closed-door meeting of the HKU Cou...
2015-07-31 05:30:00
本文作者為新聞統籌專員馮煒光 近日院校自主,廣受討論,好像只要是大學便可以完全自主,不受任何監管。這是一個大誤解。 以香港大學為例,她主要靠公帑支持,有權利便有義務,港大要向社會問責。自港大創立伊始,一...
2015-03-02 05:00:00